Bang on. Athanuis.
That nails it.
Instead the Borg says things like : "" at times we might have said this or that or done things like...""
But,,, what you'll never hear is "" we were wrong about certain things,, we own up & fix our mistakes"""
https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 (substitute .borg with .org)furthermore, today in every jw publication the tetragrammaton is rendered as yhwh which is more preserved by yahweh than by jehovah..
Bang on. Athanuis.
That nails it.
Instead the Borg says things like : "" at times we might have said this or that or done things like...""
But,,, what you'll never hear is "" we were wrong about certain things,, we own up & fix our mistakes"""
https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1960561 (substitute .borg with .org)furthermore, today in every jw publication the tetragrammaton is rendered as yhwh which is more preserved by yahweh than by jehovah..
Aid to Bible Understanding. 1971. Big blue book.
Which Raymond Franz helped produce. Go to pages 884 & 885. It talks about all of this specifically.
You'll see why the Borg wanted its older publications back some years ago.
how many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
A costume party??
As a young sapling of a JWS,,, I remember well having costume parties in and around the 2nd weekend in November.
Kids would come in various costumes. None that were of ghosts,, vampires & witches however.
does anyone of you have the outlines of the latest kingdom ministry school 2022-2023 in pdf, if it possible with videos?
thanks in advance.
lowrence .
Oh right.
The CLAM meetings. Thats right.
You mean thats going on 9 years now?
this is the watchtower study article being studied today.
so it’s the current new light!.
what are the new qualifications to be an “elder-aka older man...and circuit overseer?.
Good for you.
Because you know what,,, they wont do that for you.
this information is supposed to be in the upcoming march wt.
(i don’t go on jw dot org).
it would sound like they are hinting at a change in thinking.. in my opinion, any such change would be yet another slap in the face to faithful pimis along with those other recent changes.. there are so many heartfelt responses on that thread and a lot of justified anger.. don’t know what to say except that i’m so glad i never listened to the religion all those years ago.
Its always about the Borganization. Its demands & what benefits them. Not you. Period.
i overheard a discussion between two jws, they said that when someone is disfellowshipped, they are asked to hand their blood card back to the elders.
i had never heard of this before, is this correct?.
....ant legal loophole. To avoid legal entanglements. Always.
i overheard a discussion between two jws, they said that when someone is disfellowshipped, they are asked to hand their blood card back to the elders.
i had never heard of this before, is this correct?.
I heard of this.
Not sure if it's 100% true. But it's been said
how many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
There's no shortage of cruelty.
how many of you dutifully told this lie to your friends as a kid?.
They are pretty cruel to children.